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Mrs. Speer's Class

Katiek=D's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of Katiek=D's arguments, looking across every debate.
1 point

I want to ask Cowboy a question

How do you know it takes away family time????????

3 points

Homework in high schools ups standerized testing scores how ever it doesn't in the grades1-6 it does not effect testing scores however we dont know that it doesnt still help the student

1 point

I have a stastic to show you:57 percent of parents felt their child was assigned about the right amount of homework. Another 23 percent thought it was too little, 19 percent thought it was too much. Evidence .

3 points

No way!!!!!!! the teacher can know what you need help on and it helps the student which is the most important and its your job as a teaacher to mke sure we learn everything we need to. I have a statisiti i can add tommorow on my laptop!

4 points

homework should not be banned because it helps the students review what they had learned that day and it gives teachers the oppurtunity to see what needs improvement

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